Importance of Certification:

1 – Professional development    2 – Financial >10% salary increase                                                          3 – Recognition of accomplishment


C 105 CBA – Certified Biomedical Auditor Starts July 8, 2017

C 102 CQE – Certified Quality Engineer starts June 5, 2017 *Online*

C 104 CQA – Certified Quality Auditor starts April 22, 2017 at ITU

C103 CRE – Certified Reliability Engineer starts July 31, 2017 * Online*

*These online-interactive classes will be archived and you will be able to access them later if you cannot make it to the Live class session!  In case you forget something, miss a class, or can’t make it one day, these archived files will be accessible for multiple viewings.  Saturdays may be scheduled with the instructor for extra sessions or make-up classes, if needed for no additional costs.

Course Materials and Resources

Each of our Certification Preparation courses follow their respectable Primers.  These Primers are available from the Quality Council of Indiana and are a great resource to have.

Please order at least 2 weeks prior to course to ensure it arrives in time for your class.


Soly Patterson
Course Coordinator

Please contact for additional information.